Cherise Viljoen’s suggestions on how to garden in the drought and how to recognize a plant that is designed by nature to survive our long hot summer climate (wind, lack of water, harsh sun)
Choose slower growing, more long lived, hardier evergreens and try avoid soft, thirsty annuals & perennials
Select those plants naturally geared to survive drought:
- silver, grey foliage: reflects the heat
- upright, narrow, small leaves or no leaves at all: all if which reduces contact with the hot sun and so stay cooler- reducing their water-loss though evaporation
- hairy, waxy, firm-structured, aromatic: all designed to also reduce water-loss from the plant
- succulent: have their own reservoirs of water supply
- have more underground plant parts and storage organs- like bulbs: Hide from the sun and wind and so reduce water-loss
- deciduous in summer: grow when the weather is cooler and wetter, sleep when conditions are unfavourable