
AGM and the Sand Fynbos FundaFynbos project

Dr Caitlin von Witt. Photo: FynbosLife. 
The AGM of the Friends of Meadowridge Common will be held on Thursday 9 March at 6.30 pm in the Meadowridge Library Hall, Howard Drive, Meadowridge. After the short business part of the evening, we will be introducing an exciting new project for the Common which will be the subject of the guest speaker, Dr Caitlin von Witt's presentation. Caitlin, who has a PhD in Botany, is the Managing Director of FynbosLIFE, a wildlife charity and non-profit organisation, run by botanists, ecologists and horticulturists. They protect and promote the City’s exceptional yet highly threatened local lowland fynbos biodiversity, through educational horticulture, habitat restoration projects, and their conservation nursery. The Friends of Meadowridge Common (with the approval of the City of Cape Town and generous funding from the Roland & Leta Hill Trust) approached Caitlin and her company with the idea of rehabilitating an extremely degraded part of Meadowridge Common by re-introducing fynbos plants from other parts of the Common and from surrounding Sand Fynbos sites, and we were thrilled when she agreed to take on the task. Caitlin is renowned for her fynbos habitat rehabilitation and we really could not have anyone better to do this. The exciting part of the project will be the accompanying information on the importance of the Common's Sand Fynbos - presented in the inimitable style of the FundaFynbos conservation education team - with community involvement and all the fun of getting to know our incredibly interesting local flora.

Please join us on Thursday 9 March to hear more about this exciting new project. Attendance is free, and refreshments will be served after the talk. For more information, please contact Roger Graham, the Chairperson of the Friends of Meadowridge Common, on 021 715 9206 or email the Friends on