
Autumn update



Thank you to all the members of the Friends of Meadowridge Common who came to the AGM which was held on Saturday 2 April. Since then we have held a successful cake and plant sale at the Meadowridge Park and Shop on Howard Drive, where more tickets for the raffle of the lovely painting of the Common by Nicholas Walker were taken. Congratulations to the winner, Pam White, and many thanks to all who took tickets, the income from which amounted to well over R2000. Bergridge Park and the Constantiaberg Bulletin are thanked for their support. Thank you too to everyone who baked or made delicious goodies for the sale, and to Erin for volunteering to sell locally indigenous plants from the Fynboslife Nursery.



The bench on the Common was given a facelift by Roger Graham, using Brian Gripper’s belt sander and the other materials that were sponsored by Illuminate Real Estate; the City provided the plugs to secure the bench.



We also participated in the international iNaturalist City Nature Challenge photographing and uploading images of the plants and animals, fungi and algae spotted on the Common. Meadowridge did amazingly well, notching up 690 observations and 252 species in total. Overall, Cape Town clocked up 66 376 observations and 3 814 species. We were fairly soundly beaten into second place by the Bolivian city of La Paz with their 138 222 observations of 4 063 species. Click here for more information. 


Lanius collaris, Southern Fiskal, on the Common. Photo: Daryl de Beer, iNaturalist. 


Leucadendron salignum, the Common Sunshine Conebush, on the Common. Photo: Ashton Mouton, iNaturalist.


Stegodyphus dumicola, a sociable spider, dealing with its honeybee prey. Photo: Caroline Voget, iNaturalist.


Rhodogastria amasis, the Brown Tricolour Tiger Moth on the Common. Photo: Melinda van Deventer Lottering, iNaturalist.