
Birds and beetles

A Hairy Darkling Beetle (Lagria sp.) on the Common. According to the Field guide to Insects of South Africa by Mike Picker, Alan Weaving and Charles Griffiths, they are related to the toktokkes, the Tenebrionidae family.
BELOW: A beautiful Black-headed Heron in a tall pine tree, trying to look like one of the branches.

iSpotting on the Common

We now have a special iSpot Project in which to group all the observations of wildlife and wildflowers on Meadowridge Common. Everything that is posted on iSpot from in and around Meadowridge Common will be added to the project as long as certain tags are put in when the observation is posted. The tags are "Meadowridge Common", "Cape Flats Sand Fynbos remnant" or "Meadowridge indigenous verge flora". To get there, click here.
To learn more about iSpot, click here.