
Birds of Meadowridge Common

Black-headed Heron. Photo: John Rayner.
Bokmakierie visiting the tennis club that abuts on the Common.
Spotted Dikkop (or Thick-knee) - with two chicks - hiding.
Common Fiscal on the tennis court fence.

Egyptian Geese in the rehabilitation area of the Common.

To see the birdlist for Meadowridge Common, click here.

We would be most grateful if you could share your bird-sightings on the Common on the Facebook page, iSpot or contact the Friends of Meadowridge Common at You could also post on the ADU site "My Bird Patch" - The Common (including the football fields) is already on the site. MyBirdPatch is a way to collect bird information for small patches that are regularly visited by observers. It would be great to use this as a way for people to log their sightings. They will need to register as an observer with the project but can then add sightings for the common and any other public patches that have been registered. To register as an observer click on 'Register' and to find out more about how MyBirdPatch works click on 'Help" and download the "20 easy steps to getting started" document.