
The Lost Fynbos of Tokai Park

This is the subject of a talk by Tony Rebelo of the Threatened Species Research Unit of the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) at Kirstenbosch. The restoration of Tokai represents one of our last opportunities to link ecological processes from the top of Table Mountain to the lowlands of the Cape Flats. It is also one of the last places where we still have a chance to rehabilitate a sustainable area of critically endangered Cape Flats Sand Fynbos.
Join the Friends of Meadowridge Common (custodians of a small remnant of Cape Flats Sand Fynbos) to hear Tony, an expert in this field and one of South Africa’s top scientists, explain why this is such an important project.

Date: Wednesday 12 September 2012
Venue: Meadowridge Library hall. Click here for map.
Time: 19h30.
Entrance fee: Free for Friends of Meadowridge Common. R10 for visitors.

Refreshments will be served afterwards.
For more information, please phone Fiona Watson at 021 712 0696.

A set of greeting cards will be on sale to raise funds for maintenance and upkeep of Meadowridge Common. The cards feature paintings by botanical artist, Olwen Gibson, of four flowers that occur on the common: Pelargonium triste, Pelargonium cucullatum, Salvia chamelaeagnea and Wachendorfia paniculata. A pack of four cards costs R50 but Friends of Meadowridge Common only pay R40. For more information, click here.

Photo: Paul and Liz Johnston, Anthony Hitchcock, Eric Harley and Tony Norton with the Erica verticillata plants that were successfully restored to the Prinskasteel wetland in Tokai, by Tony Rebelo. See article in Veld & Flora March 2012.