
Flowers of Meadowridge Common

The Friends of Meadowridge Common have published a set of four greeting cards to raise funds for the maintenance and rehabilitation of Meadowridge Common.
The cards feature paintings by botanical artist, Olwen Gibson, of four flowers that occur on the common: Pelargonium triste, Pelargonium cucullatum, Salvia chamelaeagnea and Wachendorfia paniculata. A pack of four cards costs R50 but Friends of Meadowridge Common only pay R40. Olwen Gibson is a member of the Botanical Artists Association of Southern Africa (BAASA) and is becoming quite well known for her meticulous and beautiful water colour paintings of our indigenous flora.
Your purchase will go towards the care of Meadowridge Common, which is a priceless remnant of the endangered vegetation type, Cape Flats Sand Fynbos. The Friends are a group of local residents who identified this precious remnant and made sure that it was added to the number of nature areas within the City of Cape Town’s biodiversity network.

If you would like to purchase a set of these cards, please phone Olwen Gibson at 021 712 1382 or email her at

The cards will be on sale before and after the talk on The lost fynbos of Tokai Park by Tony Rebelo which will be held in the Meadowridge Library on 12 September 2013 as well as before and after the spring walks that the Friends of Meadowridge Common will be hosting on Sat 15 and Sat 29 September.