
The Cutting Edge

The AGM of the Friends of Meadowridge Common took place in the Meadowridge Library last night. After an overview of the year's events by Chairman, Roger Graham, and a fascinating report on the flora (mostly) and fauna of the Common by Botanical Officer, Fiona Watson, Trevor Adams, Collection Nursery Supervisor and Kirstenbosch Plant Propagator took over.
Trevor is an enthusiastic and skilled horticulturist who obviously knows all the tricks of the trade when it comes to propagating our indigenous flora. Wielding his Felco secateurs (the best he reckons) he demonstrated various techniques of taking cuttings, as well "layering" from a living tree. (The photo shows Roger Graham helping Trevor with the layering technique.)
Trevor handed out some notes and an extremely valuable Vegetative Propagation Year Plan for Indigenous Species which synthesizes years of trial and error by the Kirstenbosch horts. This is like gold for any gardener doing their own propagating!
And for the lady who wanted to know how to propagate her bougainvillea, click HERE for a good website.
If you missed Trevor's demonstration, he will be giving another talk at Kirstenbosch on 8 April 2009 on the PROPAGATION OF INDIGENOUS PLANTS for the Wednesday Talks at Kirstenbosch presented by Room to Grow at the SANLAM HALL at 10.30 am. Enquiries: or tel: 021 4656440/072 2012535/021 797 8975.